Lean. Defined. Stacked. Ripped. Words that describe a state of being many desire but few achieve. Significant, maintainable fat loss is so elusive for most people that an entire industry has been built around selling you promises, quick tricks, and shortcuts to a six pack.
Forget it. Fat loss isn’t easy. There are no tricks. It takes work and persistence. The rewards are worth it, but the end result can seem totally out of reach.
But with the right programming, guidance, and motivational environment, we can make the process a lot more achievable. And that’s what we do best: help you achieve.
LeanMinded Platinum Membership is an online transformation program that will set you up for a lifetime of success. First, we arm you with a personalized training and nutrition plan for efficient fat loss. Mike will coach you, monitor your progress, keep you accountable, and put you on the path of forward momentum. As long as you show up and follow the instructions regularly, then you will get results.
Lean Minded is about removing barriers that are preventing success, rather than focusing on chasing numbers. The Lean Minded system is designed to: Individualize, Simplify, Support and care.
- Get fit and participate in your kids’ activities
- Wake up every morning feeling full of energy
- Say goodbye to guilt over ordering your favorite dessert
- Get in the most attractive shape of your life
- Improve your overall health significantly
You could do all of this without:
- Restrictive dieting
- Pills, juices or supplements
- Expensive pre-packaged meals
- Intense and exhaustive exercise